The above image was my first installation of the year, back in January. It is available in a few formats at Andipa Gallery, including a small print on aluminium and a large-scale print in an edition of 7.
A bit of an update on upcoming shows...

Tonight, Thursday 4th March, sees the opening of the Skullduggerous group show in aid of the Bhopal Medical Appeal. The show is held at The Pure Evil Gallery in Leonard Street, London and is open until the 13th March. I have a new installation in the show, titled 'Chicken Tikka Disasta'... Other contributors include Swoon, Pure Evil and The Krah amongst many others - you can see some work from the show here. Check it out if you can - it is for a great cause.

Last summer I installed a number of installations around the grounds of the English Heritage house Belsay Hall, just outside of Newcastle. The photography of these will be part of the show Extraordinary Measures, which opens at Belsay on May 1st 2010, along with work by artists such at Ron Mueck, Matt Collishaw and Tessa Farmer. More information and images closer to the time....
And below are a few books that i have been featured in recently and which i would recommend to decorate coffee tables and make yourself look interesting and arty.
"Exploring how artists and designers
use an array of quirky designs to breath
life in to their work."
Tangible: High Touch Visuals
Work from various artists and designer
who blur the boundaries between mediums.
use an array of quirky designs to breath
life in to their work."

Work from various artists and designer
who blur the boundaries between mediums.