Slightly different post today. I was asked by Greg Stekelman, aka TheManWhoFellAsleep, to be part of his virtual 'book tour', to promote his book A Year in the Life of TheManWhoFellAsleep. Basically it is like a normal book tour, but undertaken by a lazy man who can't be bothered to travel to godforsaken places like Ottakars in High Wycombe; It jumps from one of Greg's favorite sites to another each day. For those of you who don't know, one of Greg's 'hobbies' is eavesdropping on the tube and recording snippets of conversation like a public transport anthropologist (these appear weekly in London's Time Out).I could chose what i wanted to do for the tour, so i decided to illustrate Greg doing just that and name the installation after one of the overheard lines from his book. Anyway, i wouldn't have bothered if the book had been crap, but it is great so check it out (and Greg's site) if you get a chance!